Prostatitis is the third most important disease among male urological diseases. More than 20% of men aged 20 to 50 years suffer from chronic prostatitis.
Especially in the recent increase in cases of prostatitis among young men (85%), which suffered sexually transmitted disease. Treatment of prostatitis involves a comprehensive approach, and it lasts for a long time. So as of the urogenital system of men is directly connected with the reproductive function, the relevance of the problem of prostatitis is only growing and involves new ways of treating prostatitis.
What is prostatitis?
Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate caused by swelling of the glandular tissue. As a rule, prostatitis is most common in men. The main cause of prostatitis is to anatomical structure and location of the prostate gland.
The prostate gland consists of several lobes, which are independently arranged in the pelvic area. Only one of these lobes is of the glandular tissue, which consists of many follicles and output ducts. These ducts accumulate a secret, which is referred to as the prostatic juice. This juice is a nutritious environment for spermatogenesis, but it also feeds a variety of bacteria and viruses that enter the reproductive system of men. In addition, the prostate does not have its own blood flow, which greatly affects the speed thereof in the genitals. Therefore, when the inflammatory processes commence stagnation in the gland tissue. Complications of chronic prostatitis can lead to the formation of tumors in the gland, stones or infertility.
Types of prostatitis
There are two main classifications of prostatitis is acute or chronic. As a rule, acute in 90% of cases flows into chronic prostatitis, because during the disease patients either do not recover until the end, or was chosen the wrong medication for chronic prostatitis.
A distinctive feature of acute chronic prostatitis is that he is endowed with more severe symptoms. Chronic prostatitis has relapses in acute cases where inflammation begins. Exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, the treatment of which should be immediate, diagnosed almost immediately.
Also prostatitis is divided into two groups depending on the foci of inflammation.
- The first group is bacterial prostatitis. That is a source of inflammation of the are various bacteria, viruses, bacilli, fungi.
- The second group examines cases of prostatitis on the basis of internal damage to the prostate. These include all kinds of stagnation of prostatic juice and of blood in the veins of the prostate. The reason for stagnation is, as a rule, irregular sexual life.

Chronic prostatitis: causes
Chronic bacterial prostatitis is caused by a number of gram-negative bacteria, which include:
- Escherichia coli;
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
- Enterococcus fecal.
Chronic infectious prostatitis is triggered by the various micro-biological lesions of the prostate:
- Staphylococci;
- Chlamydia;
- Yreaplasma;
- Microplasma and other bacteria, sexually transmitted diseases.
In 90% of cases infection occurs through penetration of the pathogen through the urethra. Chronic prostatitis is caused by complication of a migrated urethritis.
As for the second risk group, then it relates to chronic non-specific prostatitis. The main reasons for the development of internal damage of the prostate gland is:
- Unprotected anal sex;
- Infection of the urinary ducts;
- Urine reflux into the ducts of the gland (intraprostatic reflex);
- Constant use of urethral catheter.
Often leads to chronic prostatitis or exacerbation of a number of external or internal influences of the body such as a weakened immune system, physical, chemical injury, unfavorable working conditions, cardiovascular disease. How cured chronic prostatitis – a clear answer to this question does not exist, because the treatment is affected by various factors that can trigger a relapse.
The symptoms of chronic prostatitis in men
Often chronic non-bacterial prostatitis develops for a long time asymptomatic. So most men are turning to the clinic only upon the occurrence of relapse, which can be expressed as acute prostatitis, or have a more gentle symptoms.
In acute prostatitis, the patient observed a sharp pain in the lower pelvis, fever, inability to pass stool because of severe pain, weakness, lethargy, aching joints. In General, the clinical picture is expressed as a toxicity causative agent.
In chronic prostatitis observed:
- Periodic momentary aching pain in the perineum, groin and pubis;
- Decreased libido;
- The change of duration of intercourse (depending on the individuality of an organism is observed or increasing the time of ejaculation, or decrease);
- Loss of interest in sexual sensations;
- Discharge from the urethra;
- There may also be a slight fever with chronic prostatitis.
Pain in chronic prostatitis may become more frequent and have a more sharp and severe, depending on the extent of damage. The symptoms of chronic prostatitis are identical with the acute form of the disease.
What are the risks of chronic prostatitis
Prostatitis primarily affects the reproductive function of men. Long-term absence of libido in men, lost not only interest in sex life but also disrupted the process of sperm production. Therefore, chronic prostatitis and pregnancy of the spouse or sexual partner in this situation are closely related. Treatment of chronic prostatitis patients who have reproductive dysfunction, is held at the clinic on restoration of male and female fertility.
Diagnosis of prostatitis
If the husband has a chronic prostatitis or only a suspicion of this disease, we should immediately take him to the urologist or andrologist. Even if the man noticed only one symptom of the above, then you should still seek the advice of. The doctor will examination that includes:
- Tests for different infections;
- Ultrasound examination of the pelvis to identify abnormalities;
- Rectal examination of the prostate gland.
For rectal exam, the doctor takes out sowing prostatic juice, which is then laboratory is examined for the detection of pathologies and the presence of bacteria. Do not abandon any of the proposed methods, because in case of failure, it may not give a full clinical picture of the condition of the prostate gland, and the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis in this case may only make this more uncomfortable for men as.
Also conducted blood test for the DOG. This analysis is conducted to identify the formation in the prostate gland benign and malignant tumors. A DOG with chronic prostatitis is an integral part of the examination.
Methods of treatment of chronic prostatitis
Medical treatment of chronic prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis is difficult to treat because of duration. But being chronic prostatitis in remission there is no discomfort for men. By far the most acceptable and gives positive results is antibacterial therapy. As in most cases the causative agent is the bacterium that, depending on the infectious agent, the immune status of patients, selected drugs for treatment. Treatment of chronic prostatitis in men is a long painstaking process that requires a lot of effort and patience, but the result can be achieved in the absence of relapses for many years. In most cases, chronic prostatitis is completely cured, except for acute forms of the disease, but modern methods of medicine are doing their best in order to cure chronic prostatitis. In medicine there are various medications during exacerbation of chronic prostatitis that help to relieve swelling and remove inflammation.
Also broad popular magneto-laser-inductotherapy, ultrasound, prostate massage and heat treatments. Prostate massage is one of the most effective ways to combat prostatitis, so also it is not necessary to refuse treatment in this way. Medications for the treatment of chronic prostatitis is only the beginning of the Wellness process. In order to prostatitis is not disturbed for a long time, it is necessary to perform the complex treatment of chronic prostatitis, which will be described below.
Traditional methods of treatment of chronic prostatitis
Good effect have and traditional medicines in the treatment of prostatitis. Because chronic prostatitis is one of the most ancient diseases, the long been getting various herbs and extracts that have a beneficial effect on the recovery of the prostate gland in chronic prostatitis. Folk medicine in this case offers a variety of infusions, decoctions, masks, ointments and suppositories.
The most commonly used are pumpkin seeds. They can be consumed as seeds, 20 seeds for 25 minutes before eating, and can make an infusion of honey and seeds. Also recommended every day before meals to drink his own cooked asparagus juice carrot beet and cucumber.
It is also an effective remedy for chronic prostatitis is propolis. It is used to manufacture candles, which are based include, in addition to this plant, rye flour and honey. Due to the good antibacterial properties of treatment of chronic prostatitis propolis, greatly reduce the lesions infection. It is also possible to make candles from chronic prostatitis on the basis of propolis and other products.Diet in chronic prostatitis
As with any other disease, chronic prostatitis requires adherence to certain restrictions during a meal. Important foods will be the foods that contain large amount of zinc. These include all nuts, especially pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, cereals. You should avoid spicy and salty foods. The items received from it, irritate the urinary ducts that provokes exacerbation of chronic prostatitis. Nutrition in chronic prostatitis should be carefully monitored patients and diet selected by the attending physician depending on the severity of the disease.
Exercise in chronic prostatitis
A set of exercises in chronic prostatitis affects the intensity of blood circulation and metabolism in the gland. It is therefore important not only to follow a diet and drink pills, but also every morning to do exercises. To improve gland function, it is necessary to go squat, do different exercises to warm up the muscles of the hips, pelvis, and lower back. Sex with chronic prostatitis recommended, but it needs to be regular and without changing the permanent sexual partner.